Oh yes, I am referring to the latest elected JMC Chairman. As a Chairman, he should be leading the team with facts and not the fancies that have left me totally flabbergasted. Here I was, telling the developer that I was holding them responsible and our Chairman, like a hero about to fall from the sky, replies my email with this ... "No agreement or permission shall be given by Medan Prestasi or MKLand respecting that Armanee Condo now has a registered Joint Management Body & Joint Management Committee. Any self-erected signages not approved by JMB and JMC shall be taken down". This short sentance was enough for me to blow my gasket ! Does he actually know what he is talking about ?
And here is my reply to our Chairman ...
Dear Sebastian,
And so will JMC agree to be held responsible if another fire happens when both my cars are parked at my assigned parking bays ? This means that I will be blocking the only access to the pump room (please note that this is a repeated incident). So if there is another fire and the fire brigade needs to access the pump room and any of my cars are damaged, who do you suggest I look for ?
You are missing the whole point of this email and the earlier email that I sent regarding the breach in owner information !
My point :-
1) I requested for an investigation on the breach in owners information and not about who parks where
2) My parking bays are defective as there is a likelihood that my cars may be damaged if access is needed and I am not available to move my cars
3) I was not informed to move my car last night even when L2 was smoking away ! So what is the purpose of registering our vehicles ?
4) No safety element as an access where an emergency may happen (like last night) is blocked !
There are larger issues affecting Armanee other than parking. Since you have responded as such, I shall then hold you responsible for any damage to any one of my vehicles parked at my designated parking bay. For your information, any scratches or dents on my car cannot be repaired and requires a complete panel replacement that will cost no less than RM14,000 depending on the currency exchange rate.
Where issues are with regards to the Sale & Purchase Agreement (the unit also known as the parcel and the parking bays also known as the accessory parcel), the JMB and JMC DO NOT have a say. You stand corrected as any changes to the Sale & Purchase Agreement can only be decided by the developer and not JMB or JMC. The JMB or JMC only maintains common property but cannot allocate or control the allocation of property considered to be personal (parcel and accessory parcel). the JMB is an interim body meant to provide limited rights to purchasers and until such time when Armanee receives its Strata Title and the Management Council is formed, common parking bays (excluding accessory parcels) will be under the developer. JMC will only assume a role to maintain it.
And for your further information, I have an ongoing issue about my allocated parking bays and do not choose to park anywhere else for no good reasons.
The JMC should be supporting my request instead of condemning it so that safety may be preserved !
"No agreement or permission shall be given by Medan Prestasi or MKLand respecting that Armanee Condo now has a registered Joint Management Body & Joint Management Committee." This statement alone is sufficient proof that I may hold the JMC accountable for any damage sustained to any cars parked in my designated parking bays, including any cars parked with my prior permission.
I have committed my time to assist the Residents Association on an ad hoc basis and am not able to commit to the JMC in any way.
I just couldn't stop myself anymore. Beh tahan lei !!! Dare to ask me to wait summore. What ? Wait until the next fire ? Wait for durian to drop on his head ? Wait for what ? So he want to be responsible, so be it lor. I mah hold him responsible lah ! How to be a JMC Chairman when don't even know the role of the JMB. Bodoh kia (child) thinks that his authority can supercede a Sales & Purchase Agreement that has nothing to do with JMB or JMC. Ex-JMC or not, he can forget about me contributing anything to the present JMC. I will die from knocking my head against the blardy wall leh ! Want to show power ... no problem. But don't talk rubbish with me. I have got better things to do. Want to make a statement also ah, allow some room for compassion and negotiation mah. What's the difference if he just tell me to go and die right after I attend a funeral ? Sensitive mah ! I said urgent and he said wait. What the fuck man ! If he thinks that it's a small issue, then why not swap parking lots with me. Ah...then I see whether he can sleep or not at night. Lucky for me, my other car delayed by the workshop so the giant MPV was parked in between the 2 lots. Otherwise sure kena scratch already. No wonder so many residents are telling me that he is so lansi (arrogant). And all I have done was to support this dumbo who is more worried about where visitors are parking instead of the cause and consequences of a fire ! Need I say more ?
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