When a few or us first saw this, we laughed so hard we could hardly stand upright. What's that ? So ugly ! Then we said that it must be temporary but it isn't ! Look at it... it looks so our of place and somewhat obscene, no ? Earlier, there was no capping water just shot out from the opening. Last week, we noticed that someone had put a cap on the top with 3 little drilled holes.l So cheapskate lah. Can't even afford to give us proper one. It's funny how the developer places so little value on their reputation. High end condo my ass ! What do we call this thingy ? It's a "lan ciao pakai condom" (penis with a condom)!

Look at this. Isn't it lovely ? I took this photos when I sent my car in to Cycle & Carriage in Jalan 219, Petaling Jaya. This pond is also exposed to sun but the water is clear; unlike the water lily ponds in Armanee (the one's behind Block B).
The management is now considering conversion of the water lily ponds to landscaping. Errrr....when I suggested it last year, I was not spared a lengthy lecture on how it would affect the developer's application for our Strata Title ! We've been having so many problems with the water lily ponds; first it was mozzies, then it was sludge (algae) and then it was the smell. And it is about the most horrible sight in Armanee. Should have just converted the water lily ponds in the beginning and save on the asprins !
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