Wednesday, July 15, 2009
this is new and unique complaint !
This is the 1st time I've heard of someone complaining that their neighbour engages in loud sex ! I'm still laughing and I feel mean laughing at another persons predicament. It seems creaking beds and screaming could be heard.
First of all, if any person intended to engage in an over zealous sexual relationship, please please get a sturdy bed and if either of you are the screaming or groaning sort, again, please please keep the windows closed lah ! Ever heard of sound proofing ? Have some consideration for others mah. So malu lah ... can you imagine how many others have heard you ? Do you realize how clear your expressions of ecstasy can be heard in the middle of the night ? So please .... we only want to hear the sounds of a gentle breeze and chirping birds, not you !
litterbugs be gone !
Has anyone noticed that lately Armanee has attracted hordes of bachelors and youngsters ? Partly to blame is the cheap rental and the lack of restriction in our House Rules. Rumour has it that rent is as cheap as RM1,200 per month. With 4 rooms in each unit, just imagine how many persons can have comfortable accommodation ? Assuming we have 4 to a room for the bedrooms upstairs and 1 at the utility room downstairs, that's already 13 ! If they're hard pressed for cheaper accommodation, they could easily fit another 4 at the family hall upstairs and the total would rise to 17 persons to a unit. That would work out to be only about RM71 per person, per month !
Lately, I've noticed a lot of litter around our common areas. I've seen plastic bags, ice cream wrappers, drink packs, tissue paper and cigarette butts. And they are loitering all over the place. Hmmm...if only we had some form of control over rental rates !
our guards have forgotten
Not even a month has passed and our security guards have forgotten ! They have forgotten that because of their negligence and their "tidak apa" attitude, 2 residents became victims of theft.
Last Friday, I asked my colleague to pick me up from home. I never mentioned anything to the guards about the arrangment. When my colleague arrived, I asked if he registered and I was shocked when he told me that he only mentioned my first name and unit number and he was let through ! OK so I am passed shocked but am feeling very frustrated because if a visitor is allowed to make such references without registering, could any of us be suspects of thefts ?
Friday, July 10, 2009
I am busy !
Doing what you may ask and who am I referring to ? The guards ! So many of them has been pissing residents of for so long. These are some of their bad habits and mind you, we have been paying for these habits.....
- Sleeping on duty
- Allowing visitors to enter without registering
- Talking non-stop on handphone
- Socializing with cleaners and other guards (talking)
- Mysteriously disappearing from their post
registration not required !
Our security guards will never learn ! Yes, it has happened. Yesterday morning, just before 9am, my colleague came over to pick me up. When I got into the car, I asked him if he was required to register and he said NO ! Everything seems to be a joke to our security guards. It doesn't mean that if a visitor is able to mention my name and unit number, he's a legitimate visitor does it ? It just reduces the probability that he is a robber. What's the point of employing security guards that allow every Dick, Tom & Jane to pass through ? I did not question the guards when I left yesterday morning. I was late, in a hurry and super pissed !
Monday, July 6, 2009
Yes...I can't stop complaining. Someone once told me that even if we don't receive a response, we should not stop otherwise it will seem as though everything is fine. Armanee is NOT fine. Most (not all) of our cleaners are lazy. About 2 weeks ago, I asked management to install lighting at the stairway behind Block B that leads to the basement carpark. They were absolutely wonderful and immediately arranged for it. During the installation, Zam & Wan left a piece of cut wire on the floor and it remained there until yesterday morning (last I saw). And as I walked down the stairs towards L2 that same Sunday morning, I saw mineral water cups that were there since Saturday morning(can't say if it was there before then). Do residents need to keep complaining ? What are our cleaners doing besides yakking whenever they have a moment to spare ? Have you also noticed that our lifts are never polished; just wiped and how dirty the bottom edges and corners are ? The proper polishing agent to use is a foam based stainless steel cleaner but I doubt that our cleaner's have this. Cleaners...either do a proper job or GET OUT OF ARMANEE !
Friday, July 3, 2009
what security ?
This is what we have
This is what we've become
And this is what happened yesterday
Yesterday evening, I received and email from a friend and neighbour asking if I may inform the JMC and residents that his brother's home was broken into. Here we go again, I thought to myself. Just when we were beginning to feel safe once more. I was swearing to no end ! I am so darn pissed off that we are paying for security guards that are useless. I recall the security company told me once that we were paying peanuts so I guess we got the monkeys ! If what we could afford to pay was not an amount acceptable to the security company, then they should have just told us NO, right ? There have been times when I noticed guards that we either old enough to be my grandfather or young enough to be my son ! What's the point of having the guards clocking in really. They will walk with their eye on their shoes as if they were expecting to see their own reflection. Otherwise, I suspect that they are doing it for the sake of doing it and without reason. It's a 5 minute race between clocking points. What shocked me even more this morning was news that another unit was also broken into. What are you doing lah security guards ? And in the night, the night guards will be fast asleep !
And what did our JMC chairman reply when I informed him about the 1st break-in ? Politely, he thanked me and went on to mention that he will discuss with JMC when he returns on Saturday ! Hellooooo chairman, your elevator lights not on or what ? Do lah something... call security and management to make sure that the investigation is conducted properly. No need to act so "cool" wan ! So unlike the RA (Residents Association) who almost immediately called for a meeting. Chairman, if you continue like this ah, residents will be spitting at you when the pass you lor ! Better be careful because too many residents getting fed-up.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
cheapskate or cheap thrill ?
When a few or us first saw this, we laughed so hard we could hardly stand upright. What's that ? So ugly ! Then we said that it must be temporary but it isn't ! Look at it... it looks so our of place and somewhat obscene, no ? Earlier, there was no capping water just shot out from the opening. Last week, we noticed that someone had put a cap on the top with 3 little drilled holes.l So cheapskate lah. Can't even afford to give us proper one. It's funny how the developer places so little value on their reputation. High end condo my ass ! What do we call this thingy ? It's a "lan ciao pakai condom" (penis with a condom)!
Look at this. Isn't it lovely ? I took this photos when I sent my car in to Cycle & Carriage in Jalan 219, Petaling Jaya. This pond is also exposed to sun but the water is clear; unlike the water lily ponds in Armanee (the one's behind Block B).
The management is now considering conversion of the water lily ponds to landscaping. Errrr....when I suggested it last year, I was not spared a lengthy lecture on how it would affect the developer's application for our Strata Title ! We've been having so many problems with the water lily ponds; first it was mozzies, then it was sludge (algae) and then it was the smell. And it is about the most horrible sight in Armanee. Should have just converted the water lily ponds in the beginning and save on the asprins !
shame on you developer !
Imagine our developer having the gall to handover this type of sloppy finishing to owners ! They think we are blind or what ? I know that the cost of construction materials went up but this is ridiculous. Are we just gonna keep quiet and take it ? Oh...this photos were taken just last week. It's at the stairway leading to the basement carpark behind Block B, closest to the convenience shop.
it serves us right !
There's a very common saying, "if you say nothing people won't say you're dumb".
I honestly do not believe that there are stupid people. Even stupid ideas could mean something if these ideas could be developed.The people who really piss me off are those who claim to know everything and say the darndest things just because they need to show that they are superior when compared to others. In simpler terms, they are power hungry or the more commonly used local phrase is "gila kuasa".
Oh yes, I am referring to the latest elected JMC Chairman. As a Chairman, he should be leading the team with facts and not the fancies that have left me totally flabbergasted. Here I was, telling the developer that I was holding them responsible and our Chairman, like a hero about to fall from the sky, replies my email with this ... "No agreement or permission shall be given by Medan Prestasi or MKLand respecting that Armanee Condo now has a registered Joint Management Body & Joint Management Committee. Any self-erected signages not approved by JMB and JMC shall be taken down". This short sentance was enough for me to blow my gasket ! Does he actually know what he is talking about ?
And here is my reply to our Chairman ...
Dear Sebastian,
And so will JMC agree to be held responsible if another fire happens when both my cars are parked at my assigned parking bays ? This means that I will be blocking the only access to the pump room (please note that this is a repeated incident). So if there is another fire and the fire brigade needs to access the pump room and any of my cars are damaged, who do you suggest I look for ?
You are missing the whole point of this email and the earlier email that I sent regarding the breach in owner information !
My point :-
1) I requested for an investigation on the breach in owners information and not about who parks where
2) My parking bays are defective as there is a likelihood that my cars may be damaged if access is needed and I am not available to move my cars
3) I was not informed to move my car last night even when L2 was smoking away ! So what is the purpose of registering our vehicles ?
4) No safety element as an access where an emergency may happen (like last night) is blocked !
There are larger issues affecting Armanee other than parking. Since you have responded as such, I shall then hold you responsible for any damage to any one of my vehicles parked at my designated parking bay. For your information, any scratches or dents on my car cannot be repaired and requires a complete panel replacement that will cost no less than RM14,000 depending on the currency exchange rate.
Where issues are with regards to the Sale & Purchase Agreement (the unit also known as the parcel and the parking bays also known as the accessory parcel), the JMB and JMC DO NOT have a say. You stand corrected as any changes to the Sale & Purchase Agreement can only be decided by the developer and not JMB or JMC. The JMB or JMC only maintains common property but cannot allocate or control the allocation of property considered to be personal (parcel and accessory parcel). the JMB is an interim body meant to provide limited rights to purchasers and until such time when Armanee receives its Strata Title and the Management Council is formed, common parking bays (excluding accessory parcels) will be under the developer. JMC will only assume a role to maintain it.
And for your further information, I have an ongoing issue about my allocated parking bays and do not choose to park anywhere else for no good reasons.
The JMC should be supporting my request instead of condemning it so that safety may be preserved !
"No agreement or permission shall be given by Medan Prestasi or MKLand respecting that Armanee Condo now has a registered Joint Management Body & Joint Management Committee." This statement alone is sufficient proof that I may hold the JMC accountable for any damage sustained to any cars parked in my designated parking bays, including any cars parked with my prior permission.
I have committed my time to assist the Residents Association on an ad hoc basis and am not able to commit to the JMC in any way.
I just couldn't stop myself anymore. Beh tahan lei !!! Dare to ask me to wait summore. What ? Wait until the next fire ? Wait for durian to drop on his head ? Wait for what ? So he want to be responsible, so be it lor. I mah hold him responsible lah ! How to be a JMC Chairman when don't even know the role of the JMB. Bodoh kia (child) thinks that his authority can supercede a Sales & Purchase Agreement that has nothing to do with JMB or JMC. Ex-JMC or not, he can forget about me contributing anything to the present JMC. I will die from knocking my head against the blardy wall leh ! Want to show power ... no problem. But don't talk rubbish with me. I have got better things to do. Want to make a statement also ah, allow some room for compassion and negotiation mah. What's the difference if he just tell me to go and die right after I attend a funeral ? Sensitive mah ! I said urgent and he said wait. What the fuck man ! If he thinks that it's a small issue, then why not swap parking lots with me. Ah...then I see whether he can sleep or not at night. Lucky for me, my other car delayed by the workshop so the giant MPV was parked in between the 2 lots. Otherwise sure kena scratch already. No wonder so many residents are telling me that he is so lansi (arrogant). And all I have done was to support this dumbo who is more worried about where visitors are parking instead of the cause and consequences of a fire ! Need I say more ?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
fire at L2
What the heck ! I thought that I was only fighting to save my cars from being scratched but now I need to fight harder for a seriously justified reason. In a way, I am lucky that my other car's repairs were delayed otherwise my MPV would have been parked right to the front and would have blocked access to the pump room. Just to let you know, I have been "fighting" with our developer for just this very reason ! And I have been doing it since March 2006 when I got my keys. Maybe they thought that I was fooling around or an idiot for thinking the worst. Who cares lah what they think. Call me anything but my concerns are justified and have eventually been justified ! Our dear developer, as always, think we are clowns amidst their circus and what I find most irritating is the elegant silence they choose to practice. First it was the balcony roof that they took away without even having the common courtesy to inform us, then it was the money they owed and the defects and now this ! What next ??? There is a whole lot that I could say about them and very little of it would be good. Actually none !
This morning, I wrote an email to all the Yang Berhormats (pun intended) at MK Land, marked urgent with photos. Here's a copy of my email:
Last night at about midnight, it happened ! The fire alarm triggered and this time it was not a malfunction. It happened at Basement Carpark L2 Pump Room. The access to the Pump Room is right in front of my parking lots L2/33 and L2/34. Fortunately, there was ample space for the maintenance personnel, security guards and fire department personnel to access the Pump Room as I only had 1 car parked at my parking bays from last Saturday. If both my cars had been parked at my designated parking bays, access to the walkway leading to the Pump Room would have been blocked and my cars may have been damaged or scratched.
I cannot say for certain if there was actually a fire but there was definitely dense smoke that permeated the basement carpark and I could even smell it from my unit at Block B, Level 15. The burning smell was so strong that many residents showed up to investigate the burning smell. Without any doubt, the fire alarm was triggered by the smoke and a resident who did not want to take any chances called the Fire Brigade from Sungai Buloh. Encik Hafiz, our Resident Manager, was present as soon as possible and was in attendance. The transformer that was just replaced earlier last week was damaged again, possibly from a power surge.
With all these taken into serious consideration, I will not risk any form of damage to my vehicles parked at parking bays L2/33 and L2/34 and will arrange to remove them this evening after I return from work. I have been complaining about my defective parking bays since March 2006 and yet it has not been rectified. While I wished that last night's incident was a "false alarm" as what happened recently, it was not ! The condition/situation of our fire fighting and safety equipment are questionable. There are no "maps" (that I am aware of) showing the locations of fire extinguishers in the basement carparks in case of such emergencies.
What concerns me the most is that throughout last night's incident, nobody came up to my unit to alert me about the possible danger or to ask me to move my vehicle. If I had not heard the fire alarm or smelt the burning smell, I would never have known about it.
My 2nd car will be returning from the workshop this afternoon and I am requesting the agreement of Medan Prestasi Sdn Bhd to temporarily allow me to secure two (2) visitor parking bays fronting Block B until such time that my parking bays issue is resolved and proper (and safe) parking bays allocated to me, with my approval and initiated at your cost.
Please note that while I could obtain permission to park at another owner's parking bays at L1, the ceiling is leaking from the swimming pool ! This is definitely another risk that I will not take !
For whatever reasons, if I do not receive a reply before the end of the working day, I will assume that I have reached an agreement with Medan Prestasi Sdn Bhd and will secure the assistance of the management staff to erect a "reserved" signage at two (2) visitor parking bays fronting Block B.
In case some of you may assume that I am creating a big issue, I am taking the liberty of enclosing photos that I took of the incident last night. That is my MPV that you see in the pictures (ample access created as MPV was parked in between front and rear parking bays). Note the yellow division lines of the parking bays.
I urge the parties concerned to look into providing proper access to this walkway and to other walkways at the basement carparks so that safety in all aspects may be preserved at all times and especially during emergencies.
Are my reasons justified enough or do my cars need to be burnt to a crisp to get some serious reaction ?
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