Wednesday, June 24, 2009

what next MK ?

First you show us an absolutely beautiful show unit, promise us heaven and deliver shit. To most of us anyway.... Now we find ourselves in hell. Home is wonderful. It is exactly where my heart wants to be but whenever I think of you my dear developer, I suddenly find myself in this murderous mood. Personally, I feel that our developer is nothing better than a con man. When I got my keys, I was overjoyed. Then I was angry when I was asked to pay for a month's maintenance fee for a place that I had never set foot on. Why ? Because my Letter of Vacant Possession was dated 9th February but I was only allowed to collect my keys on 5th June ! Why again ? Because our dear developer issued the letter when they were not ready. Anyhow I was too excited to argue and I am not "orang kaya" but I didn't want to make a big issue of it. I did mention my dissatisfaction though. Just so you note. That same day, I inspected my unit, submitted my 1st Defects List and after that...what a holy mess ! This I will post separately. Back to you my dear developer... Then you give us (and in some circumstances don't give) shitty things. What security was that you mentioned in our S&P (Sale & Purchase Agreement) ? OK let me go through point by point as I look at my agreement...
  • Swimming pool - Tiles falling off and poolside slabs that were of such inferior quality that they should never ever have been used. These were replaced at OUR cost !
  • Games room - What's that ? Oh you mean a location for a games room, right ? As far as I am concerned, there were never any games available except for "feed the fish and see which one explodes first". There is a difference between a facility and a location !
  • Gymnasium - You mean that small, stuffy, unhealthy room ? Come on lah ... the equipment look like our developer took a quantum leap into the past (1942 yes ?) and came back with the stuff they call gym equipment !
  • I.T. Room - Oh you mean a location again ? I haven't seen any I.T. equipment ???
  • Spa - Oh yes..that room where we used to have a BIG fish swimming in and out of the spa ? Ever heard of privacy, safety and how about some ventilation ???
  • Library ? Where ? Where ? Where ?

What our developer has provided us with is a complete joke while what we are expected to live with is not ! They keep promising and promising and nothing ever materializes.

What about our fire-fighting equipment ? That "break glass in case of emergency" whatever is a complete joke. I tell you all something. This is what you do in case of an emergency ok...

  1. Stay calm
  2. Walk to square red box on wall nearest to you
  3. Place hand on wood
  4. Say a prayer for luck - pray for survival or easy and fast death

I challenge Tan Sri Mustapha Kamal to spend just a year living in Armanee and I hope that if he does...

  1. May his unit rain shit
  2. May be constantly have popping tiles
  3. May his water supply be constantly dirty and smelly
  4. May he always have electrical sockets that are lacking electrical wiring
  5. May be lose his fortune because he had to spend all his money replacing light bulbs that kept fusing
  6. May he always have clogged drainage
  7. May he have lots of holes in his umbrella when he returns home during a downpour
  8. May he be given a parking lot far away in L3
  9. May he slip, fall and break both legs when he leaves for work at 6am because it was just too dark and he missed his footing
  10. May his unit be infested with ants that will crawl up his pantleg during meetings and eat his brains when he sleeps
  11. May he be trapped in the lift with rotting fish
  12. May he need to use the toilet and access card don't work and the guards are not around

Tan Sri and other developer staff, you better hope you don;t end up living in Armanee one day. This could happen to you !

And njow with this recent rumour about visitor parking lots, we should actually invite Tan Sri for a visit ! I am sooooo mad. Imagine our future party invitations reading like this...


Please bring:


Spare shoes and a change of clothes in case of a downpour

Bottle of water - it's a long walk

Snack - you may need the energy



All guests agree to indemnify the host against everything and anything should they agree to attend !

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