Wednesday, November 11, 2009

end of the year again ???

I was sitting last night, getting ready to watch a movie and suddenly I realized that it was the end of the year already. Christmas is just round the corner and I have not even started my Christmas shopping. So what's been happening at Armanee this year ? 1. We have a "power crazy" JMC that wants and feels the need to control everything including the activities of the Residents' Association. It's probably some inferiority complex thingy that few of us can understand. Their approach is not one that is the least friendly but that of a dictator. I am fed-up and so is everyone else (at least those who have stepped up to voice their unhappiness). 2. Armanee is getting to be one huge rubbish dump. I park my car at the basement carpark and many times I've noticed the amount of litter around. I know it's convenient but it really looks ugly. Problem is there are many "ugly" people living in Armanee now. Beauty being in the eye of the beholder, likewise ugliness should be notably the same. These people are UGLY and have no respect for others. The dump their rubbish from the car onto the floor, they pee and puke anywhere they want. These are people I do not wish to be my neighbours and share the same home as I. 3. While I continue to pay my monthly maintenance charges, I cannot understand why damaged property is not repaired or replaced. In conclusion, I've stopped paying and will not pay until the main lobby door is fixed ! Well folks if we ever want to sell our property one day we need to buck up and take some lessons in cleanliness. The stairs that I use to the carpark now smells like puke and urine and it makes me want to gag each morning. Morons !


  1. hi,

    not sure how to contact u, but just wondering does armanee condo needs car sticker for the year 2010/2011 ?
    i am currently doing for such stickers especially condo

    do email me in case if you need further information

  2. hi val..i'v been a resident here for just the 2 weeks and yet, every grouse you've voiced here i strongly agree with..armanee's a beautiful place but it's certainly filled with ugly people..and what's with the new security people acting like they're the boss around here?? i had the opportunity to experience the old team and i can tell you, i'd rather have the previous team back..these new people, they'r not only rude, but they don't help when help's needed..especially when any resident's carrying heavy things, they can just stand or lean against the wall and stare..few times i had to unload heavy boxes frm my car at the main entrance lobby block A..i had to load the boxes on a trolley and push it all the way up to the lobby..the foreigner-looking guard just stared at me doing all the work and never even helped me open the door and push the lift button..and had the nerve to ask me to remove my car from the entrance..what, didn't he see that i had my hands full with the heavy load?? and besides, my little kancil wasn't even blocking anything or anyone..i made sure to park it at the corner of the bay so as to make way for any other people that might wanna drop anyone off in the end i had to leave my loaded trolley for a while and park my car at the visitor parking bay..i won't be so pissed had he told me in a good manner, but he said it as though i was commiting a really offensive crime or something, judging from his tone of voice..sigh..

  3. Hi, noticed that you have stopped writing about the happenings at Armanee.. Are you still staying there? Has the situation improved? I will be taking over a unit and may move in...

    Appreciate the heads-up. Thanks :)
